Getting Hired: The Process

In previous industries, the average applicant has been conditioned to applying to jobs by sending out countless resumes, putting on a suit for 3-part interviews, having to lie to their current job about where they are going, but there are only so many “I have a Dr.’s appointment excuse” that one can give when on the hunt for another job.

Or maybe you have been unemployed for awhile. You have the degree, have revised your resume numerous times, but for some reason you are still getting the “Thank you for applying…we have decided to pursue other candidates.” At this point, you feel hopeless. You ask yourself, “Why are they not hiring me?”, ” What exactly do these other candidates offer that I don’t?”, ” What am I going to do now?”.

Stop right there!

You have EVERYTHING that it takes to get ANY job done!! Maybe the job you applied for would have never appreciated you for YOU. Maybe the position would have been way more stressful and not worth the 1+hr commute in traffic that it was going to take to get there. There are many reasons, that you may never know, of why you did not get that position but that is not what you should focus on. Take a deep breath, refocus, and figure out what you are going to do NOW!

Yes you can go back to the drawing board, spend your days applying for jobs online, and keep getting turned down. Sounds like fun right?

How about we add another activity to the mix, that will actually bring you income while you are applying for jobs 25-30 hrs a week?

The On-Demand industry has an ease of entry that no other industry can match besides owning your own business. If you have a CAR, CLEAN BACKGROUND, CLEAR DMV,  18+ for courier positions, and 21+ for driver positions, then guess what? YOU ARE HIRED. It really is that simple.

The Interview:

You may have a brief phone interview for a few of the platforms. If so, this is not the norm but if you do, put your best foot forward. Tell the interviewer of your customer service experience, what you like to do for fun, and how excited you are to come on board for the company.

This is not the time to gripe about previous employers. That type of attitude will leave you unemployed forever with most on-demand companies. The premise behind the on-demand industry is that you are a customer service professional providing a service with your vehicle. THAT IS IT! No catch to it.

Many busy professionals do not have the time to pick up or do their own laundry, get their own groceries, or drive to varying appointments or events to have to go through the hassle of paying for parking.

That’s where you come in! By joining the On-Demand Industry you become a well paid personal driver, errand runner, waitress, dog walker, sitter….There are so many industries for you to join.

How long does it take?

Well the process really depends on you. Once you sign up for the platform of your choice you will be able to upload any required documents, consent to the background check, and then wait 3-4 days for a response via email or phone. If you do not hear back from the company, please visit their website and send an email to their support team to check on your application. Do not worry, your chances of getting hired will not be hindered if you check on your status. These companies need you just as much as you need them.

Will I be hired for Part-Time or Full-Time Positions?

The choice is up to you and your schedule. The best part of this industry is that you work when you want to. Many drivers and couriers have Full Time jobs and do this a Part-Time job and others do this Full-Time. Whether you are looking for the perfect part-time job, supplemental income, or just need something to make ends meet while you find your dream job, there is always a place for you in the On-Demand industry.

Interested… Apply HERE

Am I an employee? Do I get benefits?

No. You are not an employee and you will not get benefits. In these positions you are considered an independent contractor. You make your own hours, taxes are not taken out of your check- please keep all receipts, and most importantly you are your own boss! If you take off of work for a week, there will not be anybody calling to ask where you are and you will not make any money for that week. There will not be a penalty for not signing into the platform either. Take as much time off as you want!! However, with most of the on-demand companies they will deactivate your account if you haven’t worked in a certain amount time., i.e 30-45 days on the UBER platform.

How do I apply?

So you think you are ready to make some form of income, whether it is part-time or full-time in a flexible industry? If your answer is yes and you believe that you meet the requirements then please visit the BYOBCA website to apply to the various positions available in this industry. You will be happy that you did!

The Time is NOW to Be Your Own Boss….It’s the ONLY way!

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